Here, I will summarize older contents of "What is Life?". Although it may be little hard for you, it is very important. Sorry.
(1) The organism can be defined as thing, which can produce next generation by itself.
(2) The organism is classified into three groups comprised by animals, plants, and fungi.
以上、二つのことをお伝えしてきました。この二つの事は、このブログのタイトルであるWhat is Life?を語る上で、避けては通れない、概念(ものの考え方)だからでございます。サミぃは生き物博士なので、出来るだけ正確に、かつ、分かりやすく、What is Life?を説明したいと考えております。可能な限り、学問的にはしたくはないのです。
Sammy has explained these things. The two things are the bases of "What is Life?", as necessary principles. Because Sammy is a biologist, I will explain about "What is Life?" easily, and not make it difficult.
However, the biological diversity is wonderful. The new species are found in Jungle or Amazon even now. So when a researcher find new organism, he or she struggles that which category should be utilized against the new organism. They discuss about it for many days. It is the taxology.
At now, I used the word of taxonomy. You may know the name of "Primates" or "Roses". Such words is a kind of official group name. Such classification is the study of taxonomy.
The taxonomy is quite hard work. The scientists of taxonomy have to find new species and categorize it from its shape, color, size, life style, and food.
Presently, the molecular biology is so progressed. Old classification has been doubted by such genetic information. Of course, most of taxonomy is correct, but in some cases a species has belonged in other group.
いずれにしても、サミぃは生き物博士ですが、分類学のプロではございません。実は、先程、ご説明申し上げました「動物」「植物」「菌」、この三つのグループでは、分類学的には、不十分なのです。しかし、それを、このWhat is Life?で、やり続ける事を、サミぃは好みません。それは、そうした、ご専門の先生方に失礼だと考えているからです。逃げる訳ではございせん。論文を調べ、本を読み、学会に参加し、徹底的にやろうとすれば、可能なのです。でも、ここはそうした場所ではございません。ただ、先ほどの三つの他に、「原生生物」という、変わった「グループ」がいることをお伝え致します。あ、それでも、実は完璧ではございません。でも、それをここで、こどもに分かるように、説明する事は、およそ不可能でございます。ですから、大変申し訳ございませんが、「動物」、「植物」、「菌」、「原生生物」というグループがいると、覚えておいてください。
Anyway, I am not a professional of taxonomy. In fact, those three groups described about (anima, plant, fungi) are not perfect. But I don't want to succeed such theme in detail. I can show it by studying, reading, attending to the meeting, and others. This class is not such place. But I have to teach you that there is one more group. It is Protist. Please remember it. Mainly, most organism are divided into four worlds, animal, plant, fungi, and protist.
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