Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What is Life? お休みのご連絡


インターネットサービスプロバイダーの変更に伴い、6/30から7/5の間、What is Life?はしばらくお休み致します。もちろん、メールはiPhone3GSでチェックしますし、ご投稿や、ご意見も、常時、受け付けております(sammyclickpress@gmail.com)。ただし、お返事は難しいと思います。すみません。

その間、皆様に於かれましては、本講義の内容をおさらいし、今後、何をお知りになりたいとお思いになるのかを、整理下さるとともに、ご家族や、ご友人と、このWhat is Life?について、お話しになっていただけますと幸いでございます。

なお、このWhat is Life?は一応、講義形式ですので、まだ決定ではないのですが、いつか、どこかで、期末試験を行おうと計画中です。

7/5まで、休講致します。講義担当教官 サミぃ


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


Monday, June 28, 2010

What is Life? 第7回「動物・植物・菌・原生生物の境目(その1)」










その他、ご意見、ご感想、ご要望、何でも募集しております。What is Life?は皆様の、ご支援によって支えられております。お便りが、あまりにも少ないと、本当に、これってやる意味在るのかな?と思ってしまうのです。すみません、ブロガーとしての、素朴な、率直な、不安でございます(^^;)。



にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


Sunday, June 27, 2010

What is Life? 第6回「続・生き物の分類について」(Animal Classification, continued)


How do you feel about this class? It may be little difficult for you, because Sammy showed about fungi that you always may not think it in serious. 

本日は、今後、What is Life?を続けていくにあたって、どうしても必要な、「歴史」について、少しだけご紹介申し上げます。もちろん何年とか、何世紀とか、そういったことは、あまり、ここでは意味を持ちませんので、敢えて、そういった難しい事は、お話し致しません。どうしても、お知りになりたい方は、ウィキペディアなどを、ご覧になる事をお勧め致します。

At today, I have to explain the ancient history of animal classification. Of course, I do not want to make it difficult. The years or the Century don't have sense. You should know about the outline of the history. If you want to know detail about it, please check it on Wikipedia.


Anyway, do you know the dog was a wild animal originates from the wolf? Strictly speaking, the dog has several roots for example wolf, jackal, and related species. At now such origin is unknown. But please know about the existence of Scientist for classification, whose name is Carl von Linne born in Sweden. He thought that the relation between all of life and made the basis of the Classification.


Dr. Linne is called as a father of classification. He established not only the basis of the taxonomy but also the form of nomenclature. The nomenclature is like a formal name of species. At Linne's period, there are not even sense of gene, protein, or various bases of biology. Can you believe it? By such reasons, Carl von Linnne is the greatest Scientist of biology. I respect him so much.


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this "What is Life?", if you are a student of this class. Mind you? If you have any question about life, please send an e-mail for me.

にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


What is Life? 第5回「生物の分類とは」(Classification of organism)


Here, I will summarize older contents of "What is Life?". Although it may be little hard for you, it is very important. Sorry.
(1) The organism can be defined as thing, which can produce next generation by itself.
(2) The organism is classified into three groups comprised by animals, plants, and fungi.

以上、二つのことをお伝えしてきました。この二つの事は、このブログのタイトルであるWhat is Life?を語る上で、避けては通れない、概念(ものの考え方)だからでございます。サミぃは生き物博士なので、出来るだけ正確に、かつ、分かりやすく、What is Life?を説明したいと考えております。可能な限り、学問的にはしたくはないのです。

Sammy has explained these things. The two things are the bases of "What is Life?", as necessary principles. Because Sammy is a biologist, I will explain about "What is Life?" easily, and not make it difficult. 


However, the biological diversity is wonderful. The new species are found in Jungle or Amazon even now. So when a researcher find new organism, he or she struggles that which category should be utilized against the new organism. They discuss about it for many days. It is the taxology.


At now, I used the word of taxonomy. You may know the name of "Primates" or "Roses". Such words is a kind of official group name. Such classification is the study of taxonomy.
The taxonomy is quite hard work. The scientists of taxonomy have to find new species and categorize it from its shape, color, size, life style, and food. 


Presently, the molecular biology is so progressed. Old classification has been doubted by such genetic information. Of course, most of taxonomy is correct, but in some cases a species has belonged in other group.

いずれにしても、サミぃは生き物博士ですが、分類学のプロではございません。実は、先程、ご説明申し上げました「動物」「植物」「菌」、この三つのグループでは、分類学的には、不十分なのです。しかし、それを、このWhat is Life?で、やり続ける事を、サミぃは好みません。それは、そうした、ご専門の先生方に失礼だと考えているからです。逃げる訳ではございせん。論文を調べ、本を読み、学会に参加し、徹底的にやろうとすれば、可能なのです。でも、ここはそうした場所ではございません。ただ、先ほどの三つの他に、「原生生物」という、変わった「グループ」がいることをお伝え致します。あ、それでも、実は完璧ではございません。でも、それをここで、こどもに分かるように、説明する事は、およそ不可能でございます。ですから、大変申し訳ございませんが、「動物」、「植物」、「菌」、「原生生物」というグループがいると、覚えておいてください。

Anyway, I am not a professional of taxonomy. In fact, those three groups described about (anima, plant, fungi) are not perfect. But I don't want to succeed such theme in detail. I can show it by studying, reading, attending to the meeting, and others. This class is not such place. But I have to teach you that there is one more group. It is Protist. Please remember it. Mainly, most organism are divided into four worlds, animal, plant, fungi, and protist.


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this What is Life?, if you are a student of this class.

にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


Friday, June 25, 2010

What is Life? 第4回「生き物の大まかな分類について」(Widely classification of organisms)


Here, the answer is desk. Because most desk is made by wood. But if it was made by steal, there is no answer. Is there such desk made by coral? I do not know it, it is a joke. Simply speaking, desks were organism because they are made by plant. 


As you may know, most organism are divided into two classes, which are animal and plant. Long long ago, it was believed that all of organism were classified into such two groups. But image the "Shiitake" a kind of mushroom in Japanese market. Which? Plant or Animal? The flowers are plant, as you know. However, which is Shiitake? The answer is not in both two groups. What?, you may think. The correct answer is fungi.


Today, Sammy explained about very important thing to think "What is Life?". In conclusion, there are three groups in the world. Anima, Plant, and Fungi.


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this What is Life?, if you are a student of this class. 

にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


Thursday, June 24, 2010

What is Life? 第3回「生き物ではないもの」


At the last time, I determined that the life can produce their children by themselves. How are you? Have you had children? There are many types in everyone. Some people can not produce babies by some reason. Such people must be in now.

もし、そのような方が、このWhat is Life?をご覧になったら、ご不快なお気持ちになったかもしれません。そうであった場合は、心からお詫び申し上げます。すみません。

If you are such people, and angry me, I have to apologize against you. I am sorry.

しかし、このWhat is Life?は、そもそも生き物とは何なのか、そして、生き物ではないものとは、何なのか、そうしたことを時間をかけて、ご説明申し上げる、稀なブログでございます。さらに、まだ、サミぃはブログとホームページの違いを、十分に理解しておりません。

But, the main theme of this class is "What is Life?". And also we have to discuss "What is not Life?" Sammy may be strange professor to explain it in long term. Furthermore, I have not understand the differences between homepage and blog. 


So, I am trying the modification of arrangement of this blog. If you have some complaints for my blog, please inform me about it.


The preface became little long. I am sorry. Most of around you are originated from non-life, for example stones, tapes, dishes, pegs, and desks.


Because you are so clever, you may have  already find that there is one from organism in described above.  


Could you find that? If you found that, please send an e-mail for me.


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this What is Life?, if you are a student of this class. Please teach me about Ginkgo and Prime.

にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


PS. 皆様のお友達やお知り合いに、このWhat is Life?について、知らせていただけませんでしょうか。よろしくお願いいたします。

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What is Life? 生き物とは(ヒント)(What is Life? a hint)

さて、本日から、What is Life? すなわち、生き物とは何か?生命とは何か?を分かりやすく説明する講義を開始致します。こうして、インターネットという、素晴らしい道具をご使用になられている皆様、当然の事ながら、あなた達は生き物でございます。もちろん、私(サミぃ)も、サミぃの妻も、子供達も生き物なのです。

Here we start a class. Today, I explain about What is Life? You are watching this blog by internet device such as personal computer, iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. You are Life. Of course, I am Life too. My sons are also Lives.


This "my sons" is a key to understand "What is Life?". I will explain you such theme with long term. But, strictly speaking we determined that "The Life have an ability to produce children by themselves."

本日は、ここまでです。一度にたくさんの情報をお伝えする事は、もちろん可能です。サミぃが学んできた知識を総動員して、What is Life?を説明するには、あまりにも時間がかかりすぎます。おそらく、ぶっ通しで説明させていただいたとしても、、、すくなくとも、丸一日はかかるでしょう。ですから、皆様、もし可能でしたら、周りのご友人、ご家族と、What is Life?について、お話をされてはいかがでしょうか?ヒントは、先ほど申し上げました、「子供を残す事が出来る能力」これに尽きます。

Today's class is over. There are many things to show you about Life. I can, but it take too long time. It may be several years. So if you are interested in "What is Life?", would you discuss about it with your family or friends. The key word is the ability to produce children by themselves.


If you have any question, please send an e-mail to sammyclickpress@gmail.com. See you next time.


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this What is Life?, if you are a student of this class. 

にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


What is Life? 第1回「ブログ開始」


Hi everyone. Nice to meet you. This is Sammy as a biologist and have class of PhD or professor.


I am working at small biological company. However, I have a pass of Philosophy of Doctor (Science). I have taught to my sons "What is Life?" from they were babies.

この、"What is Life?"は、そうした子供にも分かるような形で、皆様へ


This blog (What is Life?) is for everybody to know things showed in below.

(1) What is Life?
(2) What is needed for us to live?
(3) What is the meaning that we have been alive in the planet?


I will teach you such things in easily with receiving questions from all of you. Have you ever seen a blog like "What is Life?"? Anyway, the class will be started from the next. Best regards.


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this What is Life?, if you are a student of this class. 

にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ
