Monday, October 18, 2010

What is Life? 前期試験中間報告(A interim report of the examination of What is Life?)


皆様おはようございます。先日、What is Life?の前期試験として、あなたの考えをレポートで提出して下さい。形式は自由です。方法はメールで送って下さい。とお伝えしたところ、熱心な読者の方より前期試験のレポートが届きました。その方はWhat is Life?の中で特に生命の進化に興味をお持ちのようで、「変態について」ご紹介した内容(set aside cellsと進化の関係)についてのレポートを送って下さいました。読者の方の了解を得て、ここに紹介致します。

Good morning everyone. Today is a interim report of the examination of "What is Life?". Several days ago, I asked you to submit a report as your impression of "What is Life?". At yesterday, a report arrived to me from a serious student of this class. The report focuses on the consequence of relation between set aside cells and evolution occured at the cambrian explosion. The student accepted to exposure of one's report of "What is Life?". This is the one's report as following.

サミぃ様@What is Life?

"set aside cells"の意味がようやくわかりました。変態システムとイコールで、生命複雑化、器官の獲得とも言うべき「これまで見付かっていなかった」大進化の鍵であったわけですね。

To Sammy@What is Life?

I have understood the meaning of "set aside cells. The arising of the cells contributed to the cambrian explosion as the biggest evolutional event, which has not been discussed as a key of evolution.


If the event (set aside cells) had been occurred at the period, the incident must be happened at the before of the division of the basic body plan containing exoskeleton (insect or crab) and endoskeleton (vertebrate like us). Nevertheless, the origin of ecdysone receptor and thyroid hormone receptor must have same origin, which is called as homologue.


And such mechanism (set aside cells) is utilized as common system in big animals, which can be remained as fossil. This is the root of "stem cells" in all animals.  


In addition, you can see the article in below URL ( Professor Susumu Ohno as one of the greatest biologists in Japan remained a hypothesis "Multiplication of genome has an important role for the evolution of animals".


In fact, the book written by Professor Ohno contains very interesting hypothesis. The hypothesis is found in the text book of biology for senior high school students at now. In the text book, the hypothesis is explained as following, "When one gene was duplicated, the organism can survive if there are some mutations in counterpart of nucleosome." However, he showed about it that "It is not so important. The importance of the duplication is contribution against the evolution."

実際に起こっていた重要なことは"set aside cells"の出現であるということか。もし大進化が、"set aside cells"だけで説明できてしまったら

The multiplication of genome might be a result of half to elucidate such mechanism. The most important incident might be an acquisition of "set aside cells". If such evolutionary mechanism can be explained by only "set aside cells", it must be great discovery. So I want to consider the basis of the mechanism with such view point again. It is over.

さて、いかがでしょうか?もしご興味のあった内容がございましたら"What is Life?"のレポートを提出して下さい。採点後に、こちらで公開します。上記の方には前期試験最高のA+を差し上げます。

Ok, how do you feel about the one's report? If you have some interested contents in What is Life?, please send a report as your impression of "What is Life?" I give A+ to one as the highest grade. So please send me, come on!


Today's class is finished. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this What is Life?, if you are a student of this class. 

にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


  1. 4月採用の研究員を捜しています。重篤な疾患克服のための基礎研究を私と一緒にやりませんか?小さな会社なので、好きなだけ頑張れます。大きな会社だと、面倒くさい事が多くて、自分の能力を伸ばせませんし、頭が良かったり、成果を出すとやっかまれます。



  2. I wonder just what Tamika will do about that :D



Thank you!