Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What is Life? 生物多様性COP10会議(Biodiversity COP10)


Good morning everyone. How are you today? It's cloudy and little cool. Today's photo is my second country. I stayed at there for nine years when I was young.

さて、現在名古屋で生物多様性会議COP10が開かれています。COP10とはConference of the Partiesの略で、国際条約を結んだ国が集まる会議のことだそうです。今回の会議のテーマは「遺伝資源へのアクセスと利益配分」だそうです。簡単に言うと、「薬」を作る先進国と、その「材料となる自然」をもつ途上国との間のお金の話のようです。

As you may know, the COP10 (Conference of the Parties) is running at Nagoya. The main theme of the meeting is distribution of gain from all of organisms between rich countries and poor countries in the planet, although the title is Biological Diversity.


All of you should think about "what is biological diversity?" There are numerous species in the planet. And they contain various materials, for example proteins, nucleotides, lipids, or other specific materials produced by their body. Most famous material is antibiotics as described before before. Should they be utilized for us? They are Life!! And you also!


From the first of "What is Life?", I am showing my opinion that We are not special, We are a member of Life. Why can we use Life of other species? Who did permit the utilization of Life? What is Biological Diversity? Why are pretty bears killed in Japan now? They are member of their family? He or her has friends. Why? We have expanded our life area with killing other species in hundreds of years. I believe that we have to finish many things around us before discussing about Biological Diversity = Money Distribution. It is very simple and also easy.


(1) The biological diversity is distribution of money in COP10.
(2) Why can we kill other species?
(3) Why should we kill pretty bears?


Today's class is finished. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this What is Life?, if you are a student of this class. 

にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ

1 comment:

  1. 日本発生生物学会にリンクしました。




Thank you!