Thursday, December 30, 2010

What is Life? Evolution from invertebrates to vertebrates 3(無脊椎動物から脊椎動物への進化その3)

Good morning everyone. There are few days in this year. Have you finished your work what you have to do in this year? If you have not completed the greeting cards, you should carry it out soon(^_^). The next year will come soon.


Yes, at today Sammy carries on the course about evolution from invertebrates to vertebrates. Until the last class, I showed the classification of animals and the importance of sea urchin for discovering such mystery. Shall we go.


(5) Metamorphosis
In the first of this special class, Sammy showed about metamorphosis. Most animals undergo metamorphosis in their development from juvenile to adult. The most familial example may be frogs. As you saw it when you were child in your country, the tadpoles of frog live like fishes, grow by feeding, and perform the metamorphosis with obtaining four legs. Such drastic alteration is shared in other many species for example, jerry fishes, clams, crabs, insects, and also sea urchins. But the hormonal controls of metamorphosis were well studied only in amphibia and insects. Such hormonal control of sea urchins was not cleared, although sea urchin is the greatest target to reveal the question of the evolution. So in order to elucidate the mechanism of the evolution, we tried to identify the factors of metamorphosis of sea urchin.


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this "What is Life?", if you are a student of this class. Mind you? If you have any question about life, please send an e-mail for me.


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What is Life? Evolution from invertebrates to vertebrates 2(無脊椎動物から脊椎動物への進化その2)

Good morning everyone. Are you in your country or still in your laboratory now? I was always in my laboratory to study with co-workers, when I was a graduate student of the University. Please take care and do not catch cold in this winter.


Anyway, this is the second for the class of evolution from invertebrates to vertebrates. At the last of this class, Sammy introduced about the basis of developmental biology. We human being is a member of vertebrates and belongs to Deutrostomia. Because the animal history is quite long, the evolution from invertebrates to vertebrates is one of the most attractive question for biologists.


(4) Sea urchins
By such reason, I tried for the question using the sea urchin larvae. Do you know the sea urchin? It is known as a source of sushi. The gonad of sea urchin are placed on the small rice ball surrounded by dried laver. It's quite nice, is'n it? In this class, the story of maturation of gonads in sea urchin will be explained in future. 


The sea urchin is a member of echinoderm. The echinoderm has many groups, which are sea urchin, sea star, sea cucumber, ophiuroid, crinoid, and others. In those groups, sea urchins and sea stars have been used as a sample of developmental biology. In particular, the sea urchins can be artificial fertilized in easy manner. Therefore sea urchin embryos have been used as experimental animals anciently.


In animal phylogeny, the echinoderm is existed at beneath of chordates, which contains protochordates and vertebrates. So, in order to elucidate the mechanism of evolution from invertebrates to vertebrates, the echinoderm is superior target.


I am sorry, it is little long and difficult. m(._.)m


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this "What is Life?", if you are a student of this class. Mind you? If you have any question about life, please send an e-mail for me.


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


Monday, December 27, 2010

What is Life? Evolution from invertebrates to vertebrates 1(無脊椎動物から脊椎動物への進化その1)

Good morning everyone. Have you submitted your article for your University? Your boss may be busy to re-check your paper. Most professor have no holiday in winter, because it is the one's duty. So please understand the one's status at least in these days.


Here, today's theme is the evolution from invertebrates to vertebrates. Because the origin of Sammy's research history is developmental biology, I want to show an attractive story for you. And I have to apologize you about recent contents. Those articles might be dull for you, because the theme were friends, love, and life. So I would like to treat more biological theme not a spiritual things.


To make you understand evolutionary story, Sammy may have to introduce something base of developmental biology. By such reason, this theme will not end in one or two times. Are you ready?


(1) Classification of animal
We human being has a backbone in our back. It is shared in birds, lizards (reptile), frogs (amphibia), and fishes. Such groups are called as vertebrates. Most people may think that all animals are divided into two classes vertebrates and invertebrates. Of course it is true in a kind of narrow range. But in widely view, most animals are divided into Protostomia and Deuterostomia. We human being belongs into Deuterostomia. On the other hand, insects, clam, octopus are belong into Protostomia. This is a basic of developmental biology.


(2) What is vertebrates?
As described above, we have a backbone. The backbone is also called as spinal cord by histologists. We vertebrates have central nervous system and brain in our head. So we can analyze information, signal, and alteration of surrounding at highly level. However, in strictly speaking, the vertebrates is very unique group. Most animals containing most of Protostomia and primitive groups of Deutrostomia undergo Metamorphosis in their development from juvenile to adult. By such reason, the evolution from invertebrates to vertebrates is one of the most attractive theme for biologists.


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this "What is Life?", if you are a student of this class. Mind you? If you have any question about life, please send an e-mail for me.


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


Saturday, December 25, 2010

What is Life? Friends(友達)

Good morning for you. Are you attending a meeting of Christmas to know the story of him at the church? At the F city, it is white christmas now. When it is snowing, the air becomes clear and silent. So I wish you a merry christmas now. Please show your thankfulness for a love. It may be so nice. Keep your mind. It's for you.

In these days, I had a friend at the F city. The one is little younger than Sammy, but the one has many experiences. From such aspect, the one is like a teacher of life for Sammy. The one suggested me the way for the future. It was thought by me, but the one pushed my back with the one's heart. Therefore, the one will be one of my partners. Such person is called as a friend.

As described previously, Sammy is standing on the turning point. Sammy has to make decision in one's heart. Nonetheless, it will be little hard, because the life is once (one chance). I wish my sons have a sense in love, when Sammy is disappeared from the world. It is called as Love, as Michael said in "This is it".

The love is so simple but very difficult especially for youth. As Sammy is around forty, I can understand something about it. The people of this country are focusing on the money without love.

Sammy is not a religionist, as I told before. But we Scientists should know that the origin in both Science and Religion is the same. If you cam, please watch the Contact, "This is it", or the Beatles. It's necessary for you and me.

I am sorry that it is little long, but would you enjoy the Christmas with your friend? The one will help you like the one.

Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this "What is Life?", if you are a student of this class. Mind you?


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What is Life? The turning point, and never give up(転機、あきらめない)

I had started the What is Life? to show the amazing of life, spirit, foods, love, dream, and Macintosh. The blog is like myself or my friend for completing my dreams. At the present, I am senior vice president of small company with no salary. I have concentrated all of myself for the company, but it was merely dream. So this is my turning point for my life to rebuild myself.

I decided to be a biologist, when I was a child just before entering to the elementary school. I had leaned the amazing of life, when I was young. After being PhD, I have studied many biological technique in various areas. And also I could be an English user by working at a company. So I had started the What is Life? for you. The setting of this drama was very simple. Sammy is a teacher of this class, and you are students. By writing many articles in this blog, I found many problems in our life, for example life itself, respecting for others, spirits in foods, whale hunting, and love. By such reason, I will write down my information as like a paper at some level.

(1) History
I was born in F city in 1971 as a second boy. When I was a child, I played with insects, fishes, and crabs. I observed such animals in detail and decided to be a biologist. When I was a senior high school student, I selected the University. Even now, I am wanting to be what I wanted to be. The dream has not completed. So I started this blog to make it true. But now, I was rejected by my family. I can meet my sons only in the dream at night.

(2) Serious
I am serious and kind for others, as you may not know. When I was a staff of the biggest company in the world, I concentrated all of myself against the study. I could establish a diagnosis system for major disease. However, I had to leave the company by a reason. I was too serious to work for the company. Like such experience, I also used my everything for the small company. But…. I can not show it in detail.

(3) The turning point
I met many friends at F city in these days. All friends are thinking about plans make the F city bigger than now. As shown in above, I am a kind of expert. So I want to work for the F city, if I can. A friend suggested me that you have to be a master of the company by yourself, I will help you. Many tears were fallen down from my eyes. This may be a turning point. I have to decide something for me.

This is the turning point of my life to rebuild me. I never give up. I must be a master of a company as a biological expert. I have a plan. Please look forward to my plan. I am serious and a father. When my plan comes true, please come to my land. I will introduce you my dream with happiness. With respects for the God. 

Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this "What is Life?", if you are a student of this class. Mind you?


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


Sunday, December 19, 2010

What is Life? Freeze and Thaw of tuna(マグロの凍結融解)

Good morning everyone. I had a dream at last night. I could meet my sons. So I am happy, and not happy. I wish it was real. Anyway, today's theme is about freeze and thaw. Because the What is Life? is a member of biological village, most students have heard this term, Freeze and Thaw.

皆様お早うございます。私は昨夜夢を見ました。息子達に会えたのです。ですから私はとても幸せであり、且つ不幸せでもあります。あれが本当であればと思うばかりです。さて、本日のテーマは凍結融解に関することです。What is Life?は生物学ブログのメンバーなので、殆どの生徒さんは凍結融解という言葉を聞いたことがあるでしょう。

To keep activity of enzyme, which is a kind of proteins have some activities, for example proteinase, nuclease, polymerase, glycosides, and others, you should avoid the Freeze and Thaw. And also, you should keep it on ice for use. This is the basis of biochemistry or molecular biology, isn't it?. But today I want to explain that such rule is useable for foods. We Japanese like tuna (Maguro) so much.  We usually stock the block of tuna in freezer, and thaw as a dish of dinner. However, do you care the method of thawing the block of tuna? Because the block is a muscle of the fish, that has various enzymes in their cells. Therefore, what should you do for the thawing?


Please raise your hand. I am sorry, I can not see your hand. So I would like to show the answer. The answer is thawing the block in ice cold water. Of course, the block should be kept inside bag. The block can be thawed at -2 degree C. Therefore, the running water is too hot for the block. At such temperature, the enzymes awake and act to destroy the tissue. As a results, large amount of drip will be emerged from the blocks obviously. The ice cold water prevents the activity of the enzymes. Let's try or inform it for your partner or parents, if it is not known(^^;).


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this "What is Life?", if you are a student of this class. Mind you?


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


Friday, December 17, 2010

What is Life? The beauty spots(ほくろについて)

Here, the theme is about the beauty spots. Because we Japanese are Mongoloid, we have yellow skin with appropriate permeability of sun light. However, when we are exposed to the light so long time, the pigments are synthesized and accumulated as beauty spots. Most women are avoiding such tanning to keep their fine skin. On the other hand, I have many moles on face, arm, legs, and abdomen. In the most cases, there is a thick hair in the mole, although I do not know the reason. But I had studied about hair development as a researcher. So, it is quite interesting to understand the relation between the hair and the beauty spot, is'n it?


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this "What is Life?", if you are a student of this class. Mind you?


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What is Life? English as a communication tool(コミュニケーションツールとしての英語)

Good morning everyone. It was very cold and snowing at F city. The winter has just come to Japan. I wish the white Christmas.


Here, the theme is English as a communication tool. As you may know, I had started to show the amazing of Life in both English and Japanese since the end of September. At the first, I made some mistakes on the articles, but I think that English is little easier to show something than Japanese. Of course, I am a merely English user, not a native speaker. So my English may be little primitive for such English users. But I want to show you that English may not have strictly usage to show respecting mind. In Japanese there are many words for such purposes. And also, English may be very simple and directly language compare with Japanese. But, it is just my impression from the work on the company, which I belonged. In the company, there were many foreign researcher. So I also had to be an English user. Although the start was little hard, the experience was very interesting and exciting. I could be grown up at some level.


Please compare two paragraph showed in above. You may be able to find some differences between the two parts. One is English written at first, the other is Japanese translated from E to J. Where did the inequality come from? It may be little difficult for us, because we are just users. But it is little interesting, because the all contents of "What is Life?" were written by my self. What I want to show you at today is such fun. I am sorry that there is no sense at today (^^;).

どうか上の二つの段落を比べて頂けませんでしょうか。おそらく皆様はその二つの段落からいくつかの違いを見つけることができるかと思います。最初は英語で書かれていて、そして、もう一つはその英語を日本語に訳したものです。その差はどこから来たのでしょうね。私たちにはそれは難しいと思います。だって単なる使用者なのですから、。ただ、このWhat is Life?の全ての記事は自分で書いているとは言っても少々面白いものです。本日皆様にお伝えしたかったのはそうした面白さなのです。すみません、今日は内容が無くて(^^;)。 

Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this "What is Life?", if you are a student of this class. Mind you?


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ

Monday, December 13, 2010

What is Life? Misunderstanding of Central Dogma(セントラルドグマの誤解)

Good morning everyone. It is rainy today. If it becomes little colder, it will be snowing at F city. Have you prepared the greeting cards for your family or friends? Sammy is also summarizing the address data of my associators. Anyway, today's theme is about misunderstanding of central dogma.


As you must know, the central dogma is the most famous theory of biology. All students of life science area have to learn about it, when they are young. It's very simple and important to explain various phenomena of life in the planet. We all have genome encoding genetic data. The genome is transferred to mRNA, which has complementary sequence of genome. And finally, the nucleotide sequence data is translated to amino acid sequence of proteins. The theory was proposed by Dr. Francis Crick in 20th century. He is one of the greatest biologist in the world, and got the Nobel Prize with finding the structure of double strand of DNA.


I say it again that the theory is most important and simple. However, because of its simplicity, many young biologists may have misunderstanding against the composition of animal body. Do you know what I want to say? In fact, I was one of them. We are consisted not only with nucleotides, proteins, and water. We have sugars, bones, lipids, and many other organic products, for example steroid hormones, heme, DHA, TPA……. Of course, such organic chemicals are synthesized by enzymes in our cellular body. To produce such active substances, the complex reactions are existed in all cells. This fact might be lost in our mind, because the theory is too tight for biology. This is the misunderstanding of Central Dogma that I want to tell you today. How do you think about it?


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this "What is Life?", if you are a student of this class. Mind you?


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


What is Life? Back to agriculture(農業への回帰)

Good morning everyone. What did you eat at this mooring? Do you remember the dishes? Did you have vegetable? No? Only toast? You should have rice or bread as source of energy, meat or fish for the resource of your muscle, and plants for maintain of your health. 


Anyway, today's theme is Back to Agriculture. Have you tried to work of agriculture? Do you know how to prepare the rice as food? Do you know how to kill pigs or hens? Recently, many people are focusing on the safety of foods, and trying the agriculture as weekend farmers.


I think that such flow (trend) is good for children, who should know the importance of Life. But, it must not be just a fashion. When I was a child, I tried to pull off all feathers of a bird to prepare as a source of ZOUNI (Japanese traditional food at new year period). And also I have watched the butcher of beasts. It was terrible, because they were alive. All animals do not want to die. But we should know the real of such things. Agriculture has an important problem should be known by the people, too.


So, even if you are so busy, you should try to culture some vegetables on the plant pot, for example the roots of Welsh onion, which would be garbage. Such experiences make your children better than now. Let's try. Go out to the farm. It's fun!


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this "What is Life?", if you are a student of this class. Mind you?


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ
