Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What is Life? The Lunch Box(お弁当)

Good evening everyone. I have gone to Tokyo for business. Today, I would like to introduce you very tasty lunch box at F station of JR East. The name is KURIMESHI. It was so nice. The KURIMESHI is a special menu of HAKUYOUKEN, sold till 10th of this December. If you want to taste it, hurry up to F city.


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this What is Life?, if you are a student of this class. Mind you? It's a rule.



にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


What is Life? Love for my sons.(息子への愛)

Good morning everyone. This is my personal blog. So, today I show the real of myself for my sons.

How are you? What did you study? Who is your friend? What kind of class do you like? What game did you finish on the Family computer? Did you finished the Pokemon card GB? Are you healthy? What do you want? I want to see you. I am thinking you everyday. Why did I have to go out my home? What are you thinking about me? Your names were thought by me. You are so intelligent. I did teach you how to catch cicadas. I brought you to watch the movie "Oceans". You like mathematics, because I did teach the even and odd. I did sing songs, when you were babies. I love you. I want live with you. Why do I have to send much money for your mother and grand mother? They do not understand me. Hey! come on! Let's play together! I have to cry, when the images arise in my brain. I want to teach you "What is Life?" until you can know, understand, and accept it. I am serious. I am always thinking you. I am a father of you. Am I a crazy? I am very kindly person. I want to teach you importance of the acknowledgment against the world. I want you become what you want to be. Your name is originated from such wishes. Please remember me. Please, please. I am a father.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

What is Life? Life(人生)

Good morning everyone. Yesterday, the kindly care of manager of Regal Shoes was given for my shoes. And at last night, I met with my old friends at F city and had great time. It is my treasure for my Life. Do you have such chance to see old friends at your original country?


Here, the theme is Life. Even if you are young or old, you may hear the name of John Lennon, as a member of the Beatles. He was killed 30 years ago. After the disband of the Beatles, he may be finding and showing us "What is Love?" and "What is Life?". Of corse, most of you must know him at enough level. But, if you do not know him, please know him by watching this movie. You can know about "Life is What?" from him.


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this What is Life?, if you are a student of this class. Mind you?


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ

Saturday, November 27, 2010

What is Life? Get Back to What is Life?(基本に返って)

Good morning everyone. This winter will be little warmer than last years. Where are you? I wish I went somewhere for sight seeing with somebody. So… . At yesterday, I found a pretty car released at the year, when I was born, at the car shop. It's an old car with small engine. Do you remember it?


Anyway, today' theme is "Get Back to What is Life?". Do you remember the three points of this blog? I showed those at the first. Because I think that most of you may forget those points, I show those again at now. Those may be most important things to live, and usable for anything with you.

ところで、本日のテーマは「What is Life?の基本に返って」です。皆さんはこのブログの三つのポイントを覚えていらっしゃいますか?私はそれを第一回に示しました。おそらく多くの方がお忘れではないかと思いますので、再びそれらをここで示します。その三つのポイントは生きるためにとても重要で、皆様のあらゆることに使えると思います。

Such points are in below.
(1) What is Life?
(2) What is needed for us to live?
(3) What is the meaning that we have been alive in the planet?

I will teach you such things in easily with receiving questions from all of you. Have you ever seen a blog like "What is Life?"? Anyway, the class will be started from the next. Best regards.



How many times have I showed you the points from the first? Of course those may be quite difficult to know, understand, and accept. But If you are an animal, you should know that we all are organisms to live. I am not a religionist, just a biologist. However, please keep those in your heart with listening to the Beatles(^^;).


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this What is Life?, if you are a student of this class. Please teach me about Prime numbers, if you love mathematics.


If you get the nearest for 10,000 of the counter, as you can see the right side of this page, I will send you iStand (White) as my acknowledgement. Please send me the screen shot.


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


Friday, November 26, 2010

What is Life? Scrambled e-mail from iPhone(文字化けメールiPhone)

Good morning everyone. It is fine today at F city. How is there? Today's theme is about iPhone Mail. What kind of mobile phone do you use? Docomo? au? or others?


In Tokyo, many people are using iPhone for reading newspaper, listening music, playing games, and sending e-mails. At the other day, I found a old man, in the train, using iPad for reading e-Books with licking his finger to turn page. I can not laugh him. It is truth.


And…. Have you ever received complaints from your friend about the scramble of e-mail? The Internet and e-mail have long long history also in Japan. Most of us mainly use Japanese in e-mail each other. So, most mail applications are using ISO-2022-JP as a standard format in Japan. Even the Outlook in Windows PC is using the format in Japan. But we have to use international format to communicate with foreigners by e-mail. In such multilingual cases, we should use an international format, that is Unicode (UTF-8).

そして、、、。ところで、皆さんはお友達から電子メールの文字化けで文句を言われたことはございますか?インターネットや電子メールには長い長い歴史があります。日本も同様です。ほとんどの日本人はお互い電子メールで日本語を使うでしょう。ですから、殆どのメーラーは日本での標準フォーマットとしてISO-2022-JPというものを使っています。Windows PCでのOutlookですらそうなのです。しかし、私たちは外国人と議論するのに国際規格での電子メールを使わなければなりません。そうした他言語の環境では我々は国際規格であるUnicode (UTF-8)を用いるべきかと思います。

The Mail.app on iPhone is compatible for many formats, but if you send an e-mail with references, the format will be Unicode (UTF-8). Because the standard format of Outlook is ISO-2022-JP, the scramble must be occurred.

iPhoneの「メール」は様々なフォーマットに対応しているのですが、相手のメールの本文を「引用」して送る際は(勝手に:自動的に)Unicode (UTF-8)になるそうなのです。Outlookの標準フォーマットはISO-2022-JPなので、文字化けしてしまうのです。でも直す方法はあるんです。

To prevent such accidents, there are three ways. Please see in below.

(1) Send an e-mail without references.
  It's not so difficult. But little dull and not be elegant.

(2) Ask your friend to decode by Unicode (UTF-8).
 It's also tired. Your friends may not understand the method.

(3) Put Facemark or Flower icon in your signature.
 It's little difficult, but may be perfect. Copy any character you want from SMS/MMS, and paste it in your signature. Setting->Mail->Signature. Your e-mail will be decode with ISO-2022-JP. But I have a perturbation for international use. Anyway, it's the simplest way. I recommend it for you. Watch in below. The <™> is a such icon. Can you understand it?



(2)友達にUnicode (UTF-8)で表示するようにしてもらう。


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this What is Life?, if you are a student of this class. Please teach me about Prime numbers, if you love mathematics.


If you get 10,000 of counter, I will send you iStand (White) as my acknowledgement. Please send me the screen shot.


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What is Life? Isn't it a cell? (あれ細胞じゃないの?)

Good morning everyone. Are you enjoying this autumn? The winter is coming soon. How are my sons living at far from here?


Here, the theme is a cell. Do you know that the egg is a cell? You may have sunny side  up in this morning. The yellow yolk is a cell. A part of white is not a cell. It is as you may know. The chick egg is the biggest cell in our life. It's a number one. What is the next (2nd)? Do you know such big cell?


I had learned about the 2nd. The answer was a small granule inside each bag of orange. Have you ever drunk orange juice containing such granules? I had such drinks when I was a child. Such juice was very nice. Because I learned about the 2nd in some books, I had believed it, and I did teach it for others. But it might not be true.


As you may know, such granules have outer skin to keep tasty juice inside the small bag. Such components might give arise that the granule is a cell. I think so. But with the objective view, it can not be believed. Because the granules must not be germ cells, it is not the 2nd. 


If you know big cells as No.2 around you, please inform me by comment or an e-mail.


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this What is Life?, if you are a student of this class. Please teach me about Prime numbers, if you love mathematics.


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What is Life? Atomic (Nuclear) Power(原子力について)

Good morning everyone. Are you enjoying this autumn? Beautiful sight will be lost with the progression of time. So if you want to have good impression from such experiences, you should go to there with your lovers at this weekend. How many times can I see such beautiful places with my lovers in my life? If I can live until 80 years old, I can see SAKURA for only 40 times in my life.


Today's theme is about atomic (nuclear) power. Do you know the atomic bomb was actually used at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan? Million's people have been affected from the bomb in over 60 years long. And many people were died by such effects. Basically, the technique of producing energy from nuclear power plant is just same with the bomb. At the nuclear power plant, the progression of the reaction are controlled in various mechanisms to prevent the critical progression. But if the control can not work, the big power plant will be melted down. And devilish effects will pollute our world for thousands years.


However, the oil and the coal have some limits, if they are not originated from animal bodies. Furthermore, we have depended the nuclear energy to live now. More than 30% of all electrical energy are generated from the Uranium 235 in Japan. Because I am a biologist, the detail mechanism of atomic power generation is not shown in this article. But we should know, understand, and accept the real fact or problem about nuclear power. I think so.


We are living in Japan. We do not have much resource, because the Japan is so small islands. What do we have to do for living now? Please think it as a problem of now. The prime minister of our country must be a good leader (^^;).


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this What is Life?, if you are a student of this class. Please teach me about Prime numbers, if you love mathematics.


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


Monday, November 22, 2010

What is Life? Three Steps(知るための三段階)

Good morning everyone. I and Mr. Unibody caught cold again. So we are sorry. But now, we came back to here. Today's photo is about a ramen shop (Akindoh) at Fukushima city. The master was a french chef and opened the shop with much training. The taste is the best of my history. So please arrive at the shop, when you come to Fukushima city. The shop is near the NHK Fukushima and the phone number is 024-522-8571.


Here we go. Today's theme is about the basic manner for study. You may be a student of graduate school or a researcher at some institutes. You may be working so hard to be an expert of science. To be just a PhD is not so difficult. You only have to study hard and write some articles, and also learn many techniques for researching your targets. Such things must be your duty, but you may be enjoying such tough things, because you like them.


The most important thing is following. Know, Understand, and Accept. These three steps are necessary for studying. To know is like reading an article. You can know what you did not know. Such information will be your help for researching something. But such information may be forgotten by some reasons. This is the 1st step. 


Yes. You should make discussion about it with your co-workers to understand. From such action, you and your friends can completely acqire such useful information or application for your study. But if there are something what you can not understand? You should ask for your professor about it. Your professor may be busy to get budget everyday or attend the meeting and also re-write your article. But you should share such important information in your laboratory, because you are surrounding by competitors. Your such action may have an important role for surviving. This is the 2nd step.


And finally, you and your laboratory's member should utilize such unique technique for the progression of your study. Most researcher do not show the most important key in their article. Such things are called as traditional secret of the laboratory. Naturally, the article should be written all of the study for ability of retrial. But something are not appeared by such reason. If you face the fact, you should ask it for the corresponding author through your professor. From such your action, you can be an expert searching real in the Universe. This is the 3rd step.


These tree steps can be utilized for others. For life, lovers, hobby, and also your family. Enjoy your study, be an expert, and change the world. You can do it.


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this What is Life?, if you are a student of this class. Please teach me about Ginkgo and Prime, if you are a scientist of plant and mathematics.


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ

Friday, November 19, 2010

What is Life? The Moon(月について)

皆様お早うございます。この素晴らしい秋を楽しんでいらっしゃいますか?皆様ご存知のように、とても大きなニュースがアップルから発表されました。あのビートルズの楽曲がiTunes Storeで発売開始されたのです。そんな多くのコンテンツの中で、サミぃは1964年に行なわれたアメリカコンサートのムービーに着目しました。このムービーはアッップルのホームページで見る事が出来ます。名曲ぞろいなので、どうかもし、ビートルズをご存じない場合はご覧下さい。

Anyway, today's theme is the Moon. As you can see in the nightly sky, we can watch the Moon as a satellite of the Earth. It is said that the moon has some functions for many organism. It controls our estrus cycle, spawning manner of gametes in coral and other sea animals. Such cycle takes 28 days, and not 30 days. The shape of the Moon changes in 28 days, and it may have controlled our life style from the ancient.

さて、本日のテーマは月についてです。ご存知のように、月は地球の惑星でして、主に夜に見る事が出来ます。月は多くの生き物に対して何らかの機能をもっていると言われております。我々の月経周期や珊瑚あるいはその他の海の生き物の配偶子放出(放卵とか放精)などをコントロールしております。そのサイクルは28日周期であり、30日ではございません。月の 満ち欠けは28日で移り変わり、古代から我々の生活をコントルールしてきたのかも知れません。

On the other hand, do you know the distance from the Earth to the Moon? The Hellenic (old Greek) scientists had found the method to determine it. The detail is shown in the website. If you have enough time or some wishes for the Moon, please try to calculate the distance. Enjoy the autumn.

Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this What is Life?, if you are a student of this class. Please teach me about Ginkgo and Prime.


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


What is Life? The necessity of Backup with Time Machine(タイムマシンによるバックアップの重要性)

Good morning everyone. I am sorry without updating of this blog in these days by some troubles on Mr. Unibody (MacBook Pro) as my best friend.

皆さんお早うございます。ここ数日、私の友人であるMr. Unibody(MacBookPro)に起きたあるトラブルによって更新が滞っておりまして申し訳ございません。

With kindly care by using Time Machine as the greatest backup system in the world of MacOS X, he has come back to me. The all files or setting are quite normal except for the Windows XP environment. But I do not need such operation system for him.

MacOS XのバックアップシステムであるTime Macineを使った私の献身的な看病によって、彼は元気になって帰ってきました。全ての書類や設定など、全く問題ございません。あ、Windows XP環境はバックアップをとっていなかったので、消えましたが、必須ではないので、良い事にします。いずれ必要性が生じた際にインストールします。

Anyway, the Time Machine helped his crisis in beautiful manner. I have just click to transfer all data from the Hard drive after re-installed the MacOS X. It was very easy. There are nothing to know the method. It was the first time of recovering on MacOS X Snow Leopard.

とにかく、そのTime Machineは彼に起きた危機を救ってくれました。私は単にOSを再インストール後に、全てのデータをハードディスクから戻す為にクリックしただけです。それはとっても簡単でした。何かその方法を学ぶ事も必要ありませんでした。また、それはMacOS X Snow Leopardに成ってからの初めての体験でした。

So, the beautiful experience informed me the necessity of Backup. If you do not have Macintosh and think the daily backup is so hard, please know, touch, and test it. He or She will be your best partner.


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this What is Life?, if you are a student of this class. Please teach me about Ginkgo and Prime.


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ
