皆さんお早うございます。皆さんは偶数と奇数をどのように覚えていますか?数学が科学の基本であることは何度も説明している通りです。今回は「偶数と奇数の概念」に関してです。なお、このコンテンツは以前、Click & Pressというホームページに掲載していたものですので、若干古いかも知れません。
Good morning everyone. I awaked early this morning. Today's theme is about the principle of even and odd. As I described before, the mathematics is the basis of science. So such concept is the most important thing to understand the universe. The contents in below is little old, because it had beeb opened on Click & Press, which is one of the oldest homepage about Apple and Macintosh. But it may be interesting for you. Please see.
Do you know Wagyan Land as a game for family computer? That is action game like super mario. Wagyan is a robot like a dinosaur. And in each last of all stages, he has to fight with the boss by scientific games.
その他の一般的な横スクロール型アクションゲームでは、所謂ボスとの戦闘というのは高 度なアクションコントロールが必要なものが多い中で、このワギャンランドは違っています。ボスとの戦闘は、「しりとり」「神経衰弱」「数探し」「音探し」などの頭を使う戦いに成る 訳です。以下の写真をご覧下さい。
Please see in below photo. That is number searching game "suuzi-sagashi". it is the most interesting and difficult games in the Wagyan Land.
こちらの写真は「数字探し」というもので、指定された数字をボスより先に探していき、 ある一定以上のスコアを出すと、クリアーというものです。で、初めはいいんです。だって、1,2,3と順番に問題が出されて、こちらも「くそ、2がとられたから、次は3を探せばいいのか、 えっと、これか!」とかやっていけばいいのですから、、。
At the first, the game is not so difficult. We have to seek the number from 1, 2, 3…and 40. It is simple, although the boss seek the next number as soon as he can.
At the later stage, the speed of searching numbers of the boss increases gradually. But it is predictably. My son (name: M) could catch up with the speed. However, the producer of the game (namco) has a next project on it.
で、うちの小学二年生は。最初はくやしくて泣きながらやっていたのですが(くやしくて 泣くくらいなら、やめたら?というのは大人の意見、こどもはくやしくてまた挑戦するものなのです)。で、さらにnamcoの人がすごいというか、残酷というか、ひどいというか、かなり 先のボス(具体的にはシロクマ)と「数字探し」で戦うときは、かなり難しいのです。
Finally, the cruel rule was given to him. The boss wanted to my son for seeking numbers with other rule. Previously, we can search and click the number sequentially (1,2,3,4……, and 40).
But in the new rule, we have to select the odd numbers in former half (1,3,5…, and 39) and chose even numbers in latter half (2,4,6…, and 40). My son cried and cried.
But I thought that it is the best chance to teach him about the principle of even and odd. As I have explained in What is Life?, I am a scientist, I did teach my sons about Life, Universe, and the basis of the world. The below is communication with my son (M) about even and odd.
(Sammy; S) "Hey M, it may be little difficult for you, is't it?"
(My son; M) "Yes, dad. It is strange."
(S) "How is it? Please explain for me."
(M) "Yes, firstly I selected the number 1,3,5 and the next 2,4,6."
(サミぃ)「そうだね、ま、よく聞いてね、いいかい、のグループと2.4.6のグループは ちがうよね。」
(S) "Yes, listen me. Did you find the difference between such two groups (1,3,5 and 2,4,6)?
(M) "Yes."
(S) "The group of 1,3,5 is called as odd, and the other group of 2,4,6 is called as even, OK?"
(M) "Yes, and what?"
(ま)「うん」 (サミぃ)「じゃあ、偶数と偶数を足したらどうなる?」
(S) "Please think. When the odd is added with the odd, what is the result odd or even?"
(M) "Uh…. even?"
(S) "That is right! The next, when the even is added with the even, what is the result odd or even?"
(M) "Uh… even?"
(S) "Very nice!"
(M) "……Thanks."
(S) "Ok, next step. It is little difficult. When the even is added with the odd, what is the result odd or even?"
(M) "Uh… odd?"
(S) "Very nice too! You are intelligent! I am happy!"
(サミぃ)「いいかい?この、偶数と偶数で偶数、奇数と奇数で偶数、偶数と奇数で奇数っていうお約束は、どんなに大きな数字でも、どんなに小さい数字で も変わらないんだよ」
(S) "The even plus even is even, the odd plus odd is even, and even plus odd is odd. This is the rule in the universe. OK?"
(M) "Yes, dad. I knew that."
(S) "OK, the next step. Image the number eleven"
(M) "Yes."
(S) "The eleven is divided with ten and one. Is ten even or odd?"
(M) "Even!"
(S) "And which is the one?"
(M) "Odd!"
(S) "Please remember the universal rule. When the even is added with the odd, the result must be odd. Which is the answer about the eleven again?"
(M) "Odd!!!!"
(S) "Perfect! Is this interesting?"
(M) "Yes! Too interesting!!"
(S) "You could understand it. It is the greatest pleasure for me. This is the mathematics. It needs only pencil, paper, and your brain. This is the universal rule and the basis of science."
以上、「偶数と奇数の概念」でした。もちろん実話です。だって、サ ミぃとサミぃの息子の会話なんですから。小学校の先生もこれくらいやってくれればいいのにね。
This is non-fiction story. This is the principle of the even and the odd. If the teacher of elementary school in Japan did teach so….
Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this What is Life?, if you are a student of this class.
GRANESSの新製品「シンデレラ」。これまでのGRANESS No.8を超える美しさだと思います。こんなバッグを好きな女性にプレゼントしたいものです。はあ〜〜〜。
こちらにset aside cellsのことが書いてありました。どこで知ったのかな????
ReplyDelete名前はsomethingoodといって何か良いものという意味のようです。What is Life?のトップにもリンクが有りますので、そちらからもどうぞ。