Good morning everyone. Because of my personal things for new life to make my dream true, Sammy couldn't update this class. As I don't have television and internet connection at my home, it took little long time. I am sorry. At now, I am using Mr Unibody at McDonald with mobilepoint.
皆さんお早うございます。夢を実現するための新生活に向けたちょっとしたことで授業を更新できませんでした。すみません。さらにテレビもインターネット回線もまだ無いので時間もかかりました。すみません。今はMacBook Proをマクドナルド(mobilepoint)に持ち込んで更新しています。
Anyway, today's theme is that the aim to live is for others. We can live only for about 80 years. Most of you is not so old, because you can use Internet to obtain various information for foods, clothes, movie, and others. I think so.
Here, please remember when you were young. Have you experienced hard things enough for understanding love? Have you imagined that you are alone? Have you respected old person? Do you have any respected person? Are you enjoying your life? Have you completed your dream? Uh,,, do you have real dream? Have you met lovers?
To find the meaning of life, it needs long time, much experiences, meeting with persons, and overcoming hard things. At now, I could overcome the high wall by meeting with many persons with spirits and reading books.
If you are young and can't have dreams or wanting to find it, I recommend you a book. The title is 「また、必ず会おう」と誰もが言った。(ISBN978-4-7631-3115-7).
Please think your life in serious. The aim to live is for others.
Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this "What is Life?", if you are a student of this class.
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