Friday, September 24, 2010

What is Life? 変態について(その3)

サミぃのMr iPhone3GSはiOS4にすることで、生まれ変わりました。


Presently, it is quite cold, not a cool. Are you OK? I am not so good. By the way, the Tigers completed the two cards in the 3 to 3 by Noumi and others. I wish Mr Igawa is in the team now. He should come back to Japanese baseball and work on the Tigers, I think so.


Here is the 3rd about Metamorphosis. I have explained following things, "Most animals perform metamorphosis in their life", "The metamorphosis is controlled by Hormones", and "There are drastic changes both in outside and inside of their body on metamorphosis". Today, I show about the metamorphosis of insects.


As explained before, "metamorphosis is controlled by hormones, thyroid hormones for vertebrates, and both ecdysone and juvenile hormone  for insects.


The ecdysone is released from "Zenkyousen" and the juvenile hormone is secreted from "Aratatai". The former accelerates the metamorphosis and the later inhibits it.

今回のWhat is Life?では、説明を分かり易くし、「変態の不思議」を伝えるため、「完全変態」を行う「蚕」を例にとって説明いたします。蚕は卵、幼虫(初齢から終齢)、蛹という3つの段階を経て成虫になります。蚕の幼虫はモスラのモデルになるほど、嘗ての日本では馴染みの深い生き物でした。

On todays's What is Life?, I explain the metamorphosis by using a silk worm as a model to make it simple and easy. The silk worm perform complete metamorphosis on their development. They have 3 stages up to adult, for example egg, worm, and pupa. The silk worm was familial worm in Japan. Do you remember the MOSURA in the movie on GODZILLA?


The most drastic change is occurred in the pupa stage. The body is disappeared by melting down. Oh I am sorry, I have a event, which is the most important in my life. So, today's class is over. Be careful. It is like a winter. Please click the button at the bottom of this article, if you are a student of this class.


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Thank you!