Thursday, October 21, 2010

What is Life? おいしいコーヒーの入れ方(The method of Coffee)

皆様おはようございます。だいぶ寒くなってきましたね。まだレポートは受け付けています。これまでのWhat is Life?で興味があった事、知りたい事などございましたら"What is Life?"のレポートとして提出して下さい。

Good morning everyone. It is little cold not cool today. Is it winter? Anyway, if you have any opinion, impression, question,


Here, I explain the basic method of Coffee. Do you like coffee? Most of you may say yes. But do you extract by yourself? Do you have coffee set for extracting? In the fact, the coffee is so tasty. You should study the basic method of coffee today on "What is Life?".


The other day, I arrived at the STARBUCKS in the hospital. I asked to the manager as follows "Do you have assurance of the coffee?" He said Yes. So I tried it. But it was not so good compared with the coffee extracted by myself.


Therefore, I asked him to check the older contents about the method of extracting coffee on website of NHK. The basic is described in below.
(1) There are two components in coffee powder, tasty and not.
(2) Pore boiled water to the powder to swell it (wait for 20 sec).
(3) Pore necessary volume of boiled water on the swelled powder with rotation by 2-3 times.
(4) Stop the poring when the tasty components is extracted.
This is the basic method.


It is autumn should be tried everything. If you have enough time, please try to prepare tasty coffee by your self. It is Science. Attention, do not extract bad taste component from the powder, which is extracted later than the tasty constituents. If you have any question, please check the website of Gatten.


Today's class is finished. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this What is Life?, if you are a student of this class. 

にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ

1 comment:

  1. MacBookAir飼います。多分会社で、それと個人でも。ここまでやすければ、大量導入も可能です。もしあなたがMac好きで4月からの就職を探していたらご相談下さい。お話は伺います。m(._.)m


Thank you!