Saturday, January 29, 2011

What is Life? The aim to live is for others(生きる意味は他者の為)

Good morning everyone. Because of my personal things for new life to make my dream true, Sammy couldn't update this class. As I don't have television and internet connection at my home, it took little long time. I am sorry. At now, I am using Mr Unibody at McDonald with mobilepoint.

皆さんお早うございます。夢を実現するための新生活に向けたちょっとしたことで授業を更新できませんでした。すみません。さらにテレビもインターネット回線もまだ無いので時間もかかりました。すみません。今はMacBook Proをマクドナルド(mobilepoint)に持ち込んで更新しています。

Anyway, today's theme is that the aim to live is for others. We can live only for about 80 years. Most of you is not so old, because you can use Internet to obtain various information for foods, clothes, movie, and others. I think so.


Here, please remember when you were young. Have you experienced hard things enough for understanding love? Have you imagined that you are alone? Have you respected old person? Do you have any respected person? Are you enjoying your life? Have you completed your dream? Uh,,, do you have real dream? Have you met lovers?


To find the meaning of life, it needs long time, much experiences, meeting with persons, and overcoming hard things. At now, I could overcome the high wall by meeting with many persons with spirits and reading books.


If you are young and can't have dreams or wanting to find it, I recommend you a book. The title is 「また、必ず会おう」と誰もが言った。(ISBN978-4-7631-3115-7).


Please think your life in serious. The aim to live is for others.


 Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this "What is Life?", if you are a student of this class. 


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


Sunday, January 23, 2011

What is Life? The waste of life for our life.(命の浪費)

Good morning everyone. The daylight is becoming lighter. The Spring will coming soon. We can hear the sound of the Spring. We can see the Sakura for times of remained life. We have to think it important with acknowledgements for everything. It's a key for happy life. I have found it by reading a book of Masanobu Fukushima.


Here we go. Today's theme is about the waste of life for our life. As I described for many times, we have to kill other organisms as foods to live. It's known as original sin and shown as GOU in Buddhism. We are lived upon such bloods. So we have to have acknowledgements for the world.


To think the meaning of life, the problem of foods is the simplest for us. It's very easy. But have you ever thought about the development of medicine or cosmetic? When we have cold, we arrive to the clinic and take some medicine. Most women have some cosmetics to make up their face. For development of such products, numerous life have wasted as source.


At now, we are afraid of pandemic of Influenza disease. To prevent such expansion of virus, we should have injection of vaccine against the virus. As you may know, the type of virus is altered every year. So the estimation or prediction of the type is quite difficult for the producer.


Sammy doesn't show the detail protocol of amplification of virus as the source of vaccine at this class. Briefly, the virus is injected at specific region of embryo, the virus infects to the cells, the number of the virus increased with the development of the embryo, collected from the eggs (embryos), precipitated with centrifugation, treated with some reagents, tested of the efficiency, and packed as vaccine.


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this "What is Life?", if you are a student of this class. Mind you? If you have any question about life, please send an e-mail for me.


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


Thursday, January 20, 2011

What is Life? Artificial Photosynthesis(人工光合成)

Good morning everyone. Today, Sammy started the "What is Life?" by overcoming the trouble. Today's theme is about artificial photosynthesis.

皆様お早うございます。本日サミぃは問題を乗り越え、What is Life?をまた開始します。本日のテーマは「人工光合成」です。

Because we are animal, we have great problem about food. If the increase of number of people continue at least 10 years long, the foods war will be happened in the world. In such period, we will regret that we have no plan to resolve the problem. To avoid such future, some scientist groups has started the study about artificial photosynthesis.


All plants have chloroplasts to fix carbon dioxide for producing sugar from energy of sunshine. We learn the basis of plants having such capacity in elementary school. Because we are animal, most of us can not fix carbon dioxide by photosynthesis.


On the other hand, if we can digest plants in the stomach like cattle, we can survive in wild. Sammy thought such idea when I was a junior high school student. But the artificial photosynthesis may be better idea rather than it.


The famous novelist Dr. Negishi has started the approach about artificial photosynthesis as Chemist. As you may know, photosynthesis consists with many complex reactions. All reactions are performed with enzymatic power. Although Sammy doesn't know detail of his expectancy, perfect mimic of plants may be impossible. I think so, because I am a biologist. I can't believe that all enzyme of the reaction can be replaced with  catalysis. The whole of organism may not be so simple. 


But I want it. We don't need war again. We want to live, because we are life. Sammy wants to live with acknowledgement for others. Are you ready?


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this "What is Life?", if you are a student of this class. Mind you? If you have any question about life, please send an e-mail for me.


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ

What is Life? Acknowledgement(感謝)

Good morning everyone. There are some troubles at re-start point. I discussed about the new life with my friend at F city. Finally, I could find important thing.

We are animal.

We are alive.

We have to find what we have to do.

We have to stand up. I could do it. It's your turn.

The most important thing is to understand "What is Life?".

It's quite difficult theme for scientists and religionists. Science and Religion have same origin to seek the meaning to live.

To elucidate the answer, we have to think and study "What is Life?" with others having objective view.

We have to be strong. We have to find the answer by ourselves in our mind.

I have to show the acknowledgement for the one. Thanks a lot. I could face to the fact now. It may be an answer of the God.

I have to be strong. Because I am serious.


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this "What is Life?", if you are a student of this class. Mind you? If you have any question about life, please send an e-mail for me.


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ

Sunday, January 16, 2011

What is Life? The Origin of Life(生命の起源)

Good morning everyone. It's too cold at F city. Have much meals and take rest enough to avoid catching cold. At now, Sammy are packing belongings for preparing new life. The new life will be happy, but I am worried whether I can get something good or not Anyway, today's theme is about the origin of life.


It is believed that the birth of the first organism of the earth was occurred about 35 billion years ago. However, nobody faces the origin of life in the earth although some amino acids or lipids were generated from gas of CH4, NH3, and H2 with electron fields shown by Miller in 1953. As I have showed, all life are constructed with various molecules, and even psychological affects must be originated from chemical reaction, because all organism can be explained as aggregates of molecules.


Well, do you believe the existence of extraterrestrial Intelligence? About ten years ago, we joined to the Project SETI. They could not detect signal from extraterrestrial organism. But now, some scientist are seeking the origin of life from the Universe. They are proposing the possibility of existence of amino acids or some organic substance from comet.


Such substances or molecules will be detected from external star in future. Because such molecules are produced from non-organic materials shown in above. However, have you thought about genetic substances? DNA or RNA are much more complex in comparison with amino acids or lipids. If such simple molecules are generated occasionally, the abiogenesis of nucleotides is unbelievable. On the other hand, it may not be needed the existence of God for such unknown reactions.


If you can't explain the chemical reaction to produce first life, you don't need searching the origin in the Universe. The answer must be in the earth. I think so.


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this "What is Life?", if you are a student of this class. Mind you? If you have any question about life, please send an e-mail for me.


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What is Life? Education for babies of Scientist(科学者の卵への教育)

Good morning everyone. I have a bad cough even now. Are you OK? Today's theme is about education for babies of Scientist.


Most of you may be an expert or PhD of various area of Science. Recently, I read a book. The title is "Spirits and Material" by Takashi Tachibana and Susumu Tonegawa. Professor Tonegawa won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1987 for his discovery of the genetic mechanism for antibody diversity as Japanese molecular biologist. Until his elucidation, the mechanism in the adaptive immune system was not known. His finding was correctly evaluated, I think so.


In the book, he showed not only his work, but also the differences about education system between US and Japan. At now, I could be a kind of expert. But when I was a student of University, I was worried deeply because I did not understand what I should do.


Professor Tonegawa explained about the education for graduate student in US. All students have to attend many classes to learn basis of wide area of Science, for example Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics besides Biology. Japanese students of biological area don't have such duty. So we don't have view of Physics or Chemistry. As you may know, we human beings are animal and aggregation of numerous molecules. Of course we have spirits in my mind. But all of such spirits are results of molecular reaction in our body.


Professor Tonegawa was a chemist. When he was a student of a University, he met to molecular biology. He was lost in molecular biology and also met with great Professor in the world. He told us in the book that discussion to determine what we have to do is most important for Scientist.


Most of us does not have such education. So it needs for long years to find it by one's self in Japan. If you are a baby of Scientist, please think and discuss with your friend and your Professor with the Book.


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this "What is Life?", if you are a student of this class. Mind you? If you have any question about life, please send an e-mail for me.


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ

Monday, January 10, 2011

What is Life? Responsibility of the Atomic Bomb(原爆の責任)

Good morning everyone. It was snowing at F city last night. So today's morning is quiet and cold. I also had a cold in these days. The symptom is not so deep. Only with a fever of 38 degree C and a headache. Be careful for your health please. Anyway, today's theme is responsibility of the atomic bomb.


We all had been studied about world war II at elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school. But we lean about WWII as a part of long Japanese history. As you may know, Japan lost the war. And we were understood that Japanese government and military invade asian countries and made barbarity with imperialism. In conclusion we received that Japan was the worst country in the world by ourselves without objective view.


Clearly, we didn't have enough resources for industry and foods, for example oil, iron, charcoal, bauxite, and grain for the war, as same in now. By the reason, the proclamation of the war against the US is unbelievable on the economics view. Of course the Japanese military might not have such correct information about the industrial power of US. As a result, the emperor accepted the start of the war.


Subsequent results must be known for you. We lost and our spirits were occupied by the postwar education shown in above. As described at 15th of last August, the atomic bomb was utilized to show advanced technology and obtain the data of human effects at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Because Sammy had been at Hiroshima for five years as a researcher, I know the disastrous effects of the bomb by arriving the Hiroshima atomic bomb library (Peace Memorial Museum) for many times.


At yesterday, Sammy watched the TV program about Justice held at Chiba University on NHK educational cannel. The professor Kobayashi asked against the students about the excuse for the use of the atomic bomb by US. At the side of US, millions of life of american soldier were saved by use of the atomic bomb. And with other aspect, a student showed his opinion that if the bomb was not used at the period, Japan must be divided like Korea by invasion of soviet union. There were many active opinions by the students. So the TV program was quite interesting for Sammy.


At the last of this class, Sammy would like to introduce the tweet by a friend at Hiroshima.


"I can't marry with other prefecture's lady, because we are thought that the radioactivity is remained in our body even now."


This is not scientific thing and just a rumor in Hiroshima's people. But the war has not been terminated at Hiroshima.


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this "What is Life?", if you are a student of this class. Mind you? If you have any question about life, please send an e-mail for me.


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ


Saturday, January 8, 2011

What is Life? About Soap(石けんについて)

Good morning everyone. What did you feel about the special class about the evolution from invertebrates to vertebrates? It was snowing at F city like storm. The roads were frozen, the people had to totter with care. Anyway, today's theme is about Soap.


The soap is necessary for our life. It is used for various opportunity, for example washing face, hands, hair, dishes, clothes, and heart(^^;). To say the truth, the soap is defined as sodium salt of higher (long chain) fatty acid. It was taught in chemical class of senior high school from text book. You may be surrounded with many fatty acids or soaps. Why are they necessary for our life? What is the point to select oil or soap?


Recently, the used oils are utilized as source of soap. You may have such soaps smelled of TENPURA. I don't like it for daily use. But the oil for fry is one of the familial higher fatty acid in our life. Not only for home use but also for restaurant use, large amount of oil are used and waste as dust. When such oil are discarded to the kitchen sink, it will be cause of environmental pollution. Because the oil has rich carbon (high energy), the river or sea become eutrophied.


One of the resolution is to make soap from used oil. When the sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide are given for the oil, the salt is produced as a result of chemical reaction as soap.


Such production of soap is the best for expressing the importance of recycle against the people. However, one of the most important point is matching for your face or hands. Such matching information is derived from species, molecular length, saturation, unsaturation, metal, or additional components. Unfortunately, Sammy is a biologist, I don't have enough background to explain it. So if you are a chemist and know the point, please inform me about it. We want to know it.


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this "What is Life?", if you are a student of this class. Mind you? If you have any question about life, please send an e-mail for me.


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ
