Monday, January 10, 2011

What is Life? Responsibility of the Atomic Bomb(原爆の責任)

Good morning everyone. It was snowing at F city last night. So today's morning is quiet and cold. I also had a cold in these days. The symptom is not so deep. Only with a fever of 38 degree C and a headache. Be careful for your health please. Anyway, today's theme is responsibility of the atomic bomb.


We all had been studied about world war II at elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school. But we lean about WWII as a part of long Japanese history. As you may know, Japan lost the war. And we were understood that Japanese government and military invade asian countries and made barbarity with imperialism. In conclusion we received that Japan was the worst country in the world by ourselves without objective view.


Clearly, we didn't have enough resources for industry and foods, for example oil, iron, charcoal, bauxite, and grain for the war, as same in now. By the reason, the proclamation of the war against the US is unbelievable on the economics view. Of course the Japanese military might not have such correct information about the industrial power of US. As a result, the emperor accepted the start of the war.


Subsequent results must be known for you. We lost and our spirits were occupied by the postwar education shown in above. As described at 15th of last August, the atomic bomb was utilized to show advanced technology and obtain the data of human effects at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Because Sammy had been at Hiroshima for five years as a researcher, I know the disastrous effects of the bomb by arriving the Hiroshima atomic bomb library (Peace Memorial Museum) for many times.


At yesterday, Sammy watched the TV program about Justice held at Chiba University on NHK educational cannel. The professor Kobayashi asked against the students about the excuse for the use of the atomic bomb by US. At the side of US, millions of life of american soldier were saved by use of the atomic bomb. And with other aspect, a student showed his opinion that if the bomb was not used at the period, Japan must be divided like Korea by invasion of soviet union. There were many active opinions by the students. So the TV program was quite interesting for Sammy.


At the last of this class, Sammy would like to introduce the tweet by a friend at Hiroshima.


"I can't marry with other prefecture's lady, because we are thought that the radioactivity is remained in our body even now."


This is not scientific thing and just a rumor in Hiroshima's people. But the war has not been terminated at Hiroshima.


Today's class is over. Have a nice day. Click the button at the bottom of this "What is Life?", if you are a student of this class. Mind you? If you have any question about life, please send an e-mail for me.


にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 生物学・生物科学へ人気ブログランキングへ



  1. アメリカの高校の授業で太平洋戦争について触れたとき、5つぐらいの「justification」を教師が述べていました。どんなものだったかきちんと覚えていませんが、Sammyさんが挙げられていたのも含まれていた気がします。日本は確かに加害者だった部分もありますし、視点が変われば優先順位もかわるので、ヒトコトで何が正しいとは言えないのでしょうが、何ともやるせない出来事ですね。

  2. 彩さんコメントありがとうございます。




    少子高齢化、勤労人口の低下、技術の流出、資源確保の困難、そして農業の衰退、こうしたことはWhat is Life?が分かっていないからではないかと思い、ブログを続けております。




Thank you!